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Version: 5.0

NetworkManager implements Manager

NetworkManager orchestrates asynchronous fetches. By keeping track of all in-flight requests it is able to dedupe identical requests if they are made using the throttle flag.

constructor(dataExpiryLength: number = 60000, errorExpiryLength: number = 1000)

Arguments represent the default time (in miliseconds) before a resource is considered 'stale'.

Consumed Actions

  • 'rest-hooks/fetch'

Will initiate network request and then dispatch upon completion.

Processed Actions

  • 'rest-hooks/purge'
  • 'rest-hooks/rpc'
  • 'rest-hooks/receive'

Marks request as complete.

Dispatched Actions

  • 'rest-hooks/purge'
  • 'rest-hooks/rpc'
  • 'rest-hooks/receive'